*** attention all Box Elder Bear fans and state class C tournament goers*** Our spirit student section has put together a theme night for each night and day of the state basketball tournament and would love to share it with all… Go get them Bears 🐻 🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻💛💙💛💙
1 day ago, Mollee Hunt
theme days
***Attention all Box Elder Bear Parents, Guardians, Family Members, Students, Staff, and all Community Members*** At 10am we will be having a Pep Assembly and Send off for our Box Elder Bears as the head to State! As soon as the Pep Assembly is concluded all K-12 Students and Staff will be lining up the Road to Send the team off in style. If there are any community members , families and friends that would like to escort them out of town and follow them out that would be awesome.
2 days ago, Mollee Hunt
Reminder there is no school on Thursday and Friday. Go Bears!
3 days ago, Shilo Seymour
*****CLASS C STATE CHAMPIONSHIP SPIRIT WEEK***** Please join us all in wishing our Box Elder Bears the Best of Luck as they head to state to make history!
6 days ago, Mollee Hunt
Flyer of Information
***Attention all Box Elder Bear Basketball Fans***🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻 State starts a week from Wednesday. Our Bears will have their first game Thursday at Noon. Here is all the information for State!
10 days ago, Mollee Hunt
state info
Elementary BB Practice Schedule: Monday and Wednesday - Girls Tuesday and Thursday - Boys First games are March 8th at Havre (St. Jude’s)
10 days ago, Mollee Hunt
***Attention all Box Elder Bear and Bear Cub Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff, and Community Members***. Here are all the students we are celebrating in the middle and high school good attendance and honor roll! WAY TO GO !!!!!!
10 days ago, Mollee Hunt
1st Semester Honor Roll
***Attention all Box Elder Bear and Bear Cub Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff, and Community Members***. Here are all the students we are celebrating in the Elementary for good attendance and honor roll! WAY TO GO !!!!!!
11 days ago, Mollee Hunt
Trustee Notice
11 days ago, Angel Colbry
Public Notice
Special Board Meeting March 5th 5:00pm
11 days ago, Angel Colbry
Special Board 1
Special Board 2
Your Northern C Division Champions!!! 🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻 We are so proud of you! ONTO STATE!!!!🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀
12 days ago, Mollee Hunt
***Attention all Box Elder Bear Students, Parents, Guardians, Staff and Community Members*** We are excited to present our Box Elder Bear Profile of a Graduate. Thank you to everyone who gave their thoughts on what it is to be a Graduate at Box Elder High!
13 days ago, Mollee Hunt
Profile of a Graduate
The Bears are anxiously awaiting their turn! GO GET EM BOYS!!! 🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀
13 days ago, Mollee Hunt
Our Bears
🐻🏀🐻🏀Attention all Box Elder Bear Fans🐻🏀🐻🏀 Tonight the Bears will be in their Battling Blues! Let's pack the 4 Seasons with a Box Elder Blue Wave!! GO BEARS GO!!!!🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻
13 days ago, Mollee Hunt
Work Session Board Meeting March 4th 2025
13 days ago, Angel Colbry
Working Session
***Attention all Box Elder Families*** Come Join us tomorrow for a family night of Reading!!
17 days ago, Mollee Hunt
I love to Read Family Night
***Attention all 5th-6th grade Elementary basketball players, parents, and guardians*** 5th and 6th Grade Basketball Practice starts tomorrow (2/25/25) after school for both boys and girls. We will start with a skill development camp for Tuesday and Wednesday, then we will have designated boys and girls practices beginning next week. Students must have an updated physical examination to participate. There will be an activity bus after practice to take the kiddos home as well. Thank you
17 days ago, Mollee Hunt
Northern C Divisional Basketball Tournament Brackets
19 days ago, Mollee Hunt
Boys Bracket
Girls Bracket
Northern C Divisional Boys and Girls Basketball Tournament February 26-March 1 at the Four Seasons Arena in Great Falls, MT Tournament All-Session Passes: Adults - $35 Students - $25 Will go on sale Monday, February 24th at the Box Elder School. Look out for more information!
19 days ago, Mollee Hunt
🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻Your 9C District Champions the Box Elder Bears 🐻 🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀 Congratulations Boys and Coaches!!!! You continue to make all of us so proud!!! GO BEARS GO!!!!🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻🏀🐻
19 days ago, Mollee Hunt