Happy Tuesday Seniors! Mr. McCrary has a heartfelt message for all of you - be sure to watch and reach out to any of us if needed! Mr. McCrary can be reached at mmcrary@boxelder.k12.mt.us and is eager to hear from you!
Please complete this survey so we can gauge interest about returning to in-person learning at 100% capacity! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VWWPXC9
Middle School Basketball
Attention Parents:
Box Elder Schools is and has been working on a plan with other schools in the area to create a schedule of games for our Middle Schoolers (both boys and girls), because they did not get to participate in their regular season within the 9C due to COVID concerns. With that being said, our practices will begin Monday, March 8, and first games will begin the week of March 15-20.
Box Elder Schools is going to require that the parents drop off and pick up their students for practices. The only exception would be if a student was onsite for school, and that student stays for tutoring or a separate activity, then that student would only need to be picked up after practice on those days.
Boys practice plan:
Monday and Wednesday - 5:30 to 7:00PM
Girls practice plan:
Tuesday and Thursday - 5:30 to 7:00PM
***Friday practices may take place depending on games scheduled.
If you have any questions in regards to Middle School Basketball, please give AD Rosette a call at 352-4195
Go Bears Go
Congratulations to Jasper and Quinton Crow for being two of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! Jasper & Quinton are showing Bear Pride by willing to help their little sisters with their Google Meets and digital homework while still working in their own classes and Google Meets. Quinton is great at knowing the times they need to be connected and getting both himself and his sisters online while Jasper is great at engaging with his siblings in quiet activities while others work! Great job boys and thank you for all your hard work!
Attention Bears:
Let's do this!
Bears, did you miss out on pictures? No Worries!
Attention parents/guardians of 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students who participate in After School Activities (currently on Seesaw and with materials sent home):
We are hoping to be able to provide in-person activities after school on the days your child(ren) attend school. Please complete the following survey to let us gauge interest and make plans for activities. In-person activities will be for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders at this time:
Attention all High School Track Athletes:
There will be initial track meetings next week on Monday, March 8 and Wednesday, March 10 at lunch time to discuss the upcoming season. Be sure to attend and make sure you have your physical completed before Monday, March 15 when practice begins!
Take a listen to Mr. Mike Geboe and Freshmen Tyrell Henderson, Jon Morsette, and Willis Morsette, Jr. with the Ojibwemowin Fight Like a Bear Podcast.
All Box Elder High School Student Athletes
All Sports Meeting:
Friday, March 5th @ 12:30 PM in the Den
Discussion Topics :
Remaining 2020-2021 Sports Season
◦ Track and Field
◦ Golf
Upcoming 2021-2022 Sports Season
◦ Expectations and Goals
◦ Fitness and Nutrition
◦ Off-season Plans
Congratulations to Allan Oats, Jr. for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! Mrs. Myers and Ms. Payge are recognizing Allan stating, "Allan has been coming to school and working hard to catch up on his studies! When he is in the classroom he is respectful, kind, and works hard! We are proud of his hard work and effort to catch up and finish his 5th grade year off strong. Good job Allan - keep up the good work! "
5th and 6th Grade Basketball Practice begins this week!
Boys will practice after school on Monday and Wednesday.
Girls will practice after school on Tuesday and Thursday.
Transportation will be provided for rides home after practice.
Make sure your kids have their basketball shorts and shoes with them to practice in.
Any questions, contact AD Rosette at the High School Office. Go Bears 🐻
Lady Bears fans are not allowed into the Four Seasons Arena until 8:00pm (30 minutes prior to tip-off). Thanks for adhering to the Northern Divisions protocols - Go Lady Bears Go
Last call:
AD Rosette will be selling tickets for the Northern "C" Divisional until 5:30pm tonight. There will be no ticket sold at the Four Seasons.
Go Lady Bears!
Good Luck to our Lady Bears this week at the Norther "C" Divisional.
Tickets for the Northern C Divisional Tournament will go on sale TODAY at 12pm to 2pm at the High School.
Ticket Price - $20 for all ages and gets you into all Lady Bears games throughout the Northern C Divisional Tournament.
Contact Tracing will be taken care of when you purchase your tickets.
Go Lady Bears 🐻
Lady Bears headed to the Northern C Divisional!
Box Elder Lady Bears will play at 10:30am versus Turner and will be the away team. Enter the gymnasium through the West doors.
The boys play CJI at 1:00pm and will be the home team. Enter the gymnasium through the South doors.
Box Elder Bears will play at 6:00pm versus the North Star Knights.
Bears are the home team, so Bears fans enter through the south doors of the gymnasium. Make sure you have your boys ticket to get into the games. No tickets will be sold at the door.
Here is another addition to our Neiyo "I Love to Read" Month project featuring Jeremiah and Joshua Nault reading Storm Story. Enjoy!