Congratulations to Araya Sangrey for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! Mrs. Soper is recognizing Araya stating, "Araya has really improved her work habits. I am so proud of how hard she has been working, and the quality of her work has really shown it lately. She rarely misses a class Google Meet and she is demonstrating a fabulous "never give up" attitude! Keep up the hard work Araya, I just know you can do amazing things!
Congratulations to King Ragged Robe for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! King is being recognized by the Box Elder High School Staff for being an all around amazing student and taking initiative on his educational journey. He is in control of his own education and is achieving high academic success because of it. Way to go, King - keep it up and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!"
Congratulations to Matthew Lamere for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! Mrs. Cline is recognizing Matthew stating, "Matthew has been trying to get on every day to at least watch our morning meetings. I appreciate that he is trying and showing his Bear Pride in participating in class. I hope to continue seeing him daily, and want him to know that I miss him and hope he continues to get his work done. Good job, Matthew!"
Parents/Guardians/Community : YOU are our most important partners in your children's educational journey! We want to hear your feedback and suggestions so that we can continue to improve remote learning as we progress through this school year. Please click the link below or head to our website to complete a survey regarding how you feel Quarter 1 went and what we can do to support your needs going forward.
It's Parent/Teacher Conference week at Box Elder School! Thank you so much to all of our students, staff and families for your hard work all first quarter and continuing the extra effort as second quarter gets going. Remember - it's never too late to get going or connect with us - we are here to help and want to see every student and family succeed. if you haven't heard from your child's teacher - please call the school to set up a meeting or email them directly from your child's iPad.
We also want to shout out our incredible teachers who are working tirelessly to connect with, support, and encourage our students, families, and each other. Teachers are stepping outside of their comfort zone daily to engage with kids and parents in any environment - virtual or masked & face-to-face. Here's a sweet message from Mrs. Soper that shares positives directed at her classroom & students and words of positivity, perseverance and teamwork for all! Happy Wednesday, keep working hard and stay in touch!
Congratulations to Braydon Wolf Chief for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! Mr. Standing Rock is recognizing Braydon stating, "Braydon is a diligent worker who takes his work above and beyond expectations. He actively participates in group discussions and can often be relied on to know the answer to a difficult question when nobody else does. Braydon turns his work in on time with a high level of quality and effort. He works well with others and adds to a positive academic environment. Braydon exemplifies what it means to have Bear Pride! Keep up the great work!"
Happy Veteran's Day from Mrs. Donoven's 3rd graders! Thank you for your service to our country and your brave, selfless years of service!
Click the link to see the video:
Mrs. Olson sending all of us a good laugh today. “All Dolled Up” by Serenity 😆. (Thank you for permission to share!) ❤️
Congratulations to Azalea Sparks for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! Mrs. Kallenberger is recognizing Azalea stating, "Azalea is an incredible kindergartener! She has been working so hard, and always greets me with a huge smile and lots of engagement in our Google Meets! Keep up the great work, Azalea!"
Hey Bears,
Check out the newest Student Update in your students email.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!!!
Congratulations to Dai-Lynn Huntley for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the day! Ms. Begay is recognizing Dai-Lynn stating, " Dai-Lynn has completed every math and reading assignment on-time. She attends all the Google Meets and sometimes stays on the Google Meet even after class to get more help. She is a truly showing BEAR PRIDE in her education ! Good job, Dai-Lynn, I am proud of you!
Also a HUGE shout out to Dai-Lynn's mom, Janene Huntley! She is working tirelessly to get her girls logged in to the Google Meets and assisting them in making fantastic progress during remote learning. We appreciate all you do! "
Don't miss today's Facebook Live from Box Elder Public Schools! We are highlighting Box Elder parents sharing their struggles, successes, and strategies to make remote learning work for them and their children. We know it's not easy - let's put our heads together and come up with some suggestions and solutions! Share your comments and questions on Facebook Live!
2:00pm TODAY!
Congratulations to Kaleah Roasting Stick for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Out of the Day! Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. Donoven are recognizing Kaleah stating, "Kaleah has been doing an amazing job as a virtual learner! She is on every single Google Meet with her class, participates and sends comments afterwards sharing the things she enjoyed! Kaleah has been active in coding club and always shared her coding creations on Seesaw. She is an eager participant and always shares positivity through her comments during and after class. Keep up the great work and participation, Kaleah, we all appreciate you and your hard work!"
Congratulations to Leo Roasting Stick for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Out of the Day! Mrs. Olson is recognizing Leo stating, "Leo has shown great dedication to his school work! He has done an amazing job on all of his digital assignments this school year! I am so proud of all of his hard work!"
Congratulations to Kaleb Rosette for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! Mrs. Soper is recognizing Kaleb stating, "Kaleb has completed all his work for 3 weeks in a row! His responsibility is a definite sign of his Bear Pride! He also shows effort towards his success in school and I am very proud of him for that. Keep up the great work, Kaleb!"
Box Elder students - Ms. Gebhart is starting an awesome club that will meet over Google Meet until we can be together again at school. Check out the poster for more info! First meeting is TOMORROW at 3pm!
Congratulations to Mateo Brown for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the day! Ms. Bakke is recognizing him stating, "Mateo worked really hard during the 1st quarter to be present in class and complete the assigned tasks. Mateo takes pride in his work and it shows in the work he is producing. Remote learning is a challenge we are all facing, yet Mateo has been able to find success through his diligence and dedication to his education. Great job, Mateo! "
Congratulations to Leah Morsette for being one of Box Elder School's Good News Shout Outs of the Day! Ms. Bakke is recognizing Leah stating, " Leah has made sure to be present in class every single day by not only showing up but also being active in the online discussions. She worked extremely hard during the 1st quarter and finished strong by completing every single assignment to the best of her abilities. While remote learning is difficult, Leah has shown with determination and dedication to her education, it is possible! "
Parents, don't forget to utilize this awesome opportunity to get your child some extra help on their schoolwork! Teachers have tutoring sessions open every Monday through Thursday evening from 5:00-6:30 to assist with schoolwork and tech issues. Check with their teacher or the After School Activities Seesaw page for the code for each session!
Tutoring Tonight. Join us!
Session 1. Kelsey Miller. 7-8:30. google meets code miller.
Session 2. Whitney TopSky. 8-9:30. google meets code topsky.
Session 1. Peter Suci. 4-5:30. email
Session 2. Desiree Gebhart. 7:30-9. google meets code Gebhart1
Join all sessions if you like. Keep up with your schoolwork! We want ot see you succeed.